The simplest technique I know that involves taking your partner to the ground and landing on top of them starts by slipping around to your partner’s back. You can achieve this from a standing position by pulling your partner towards you to unbalance them and then slipping behind them as they recover. From their back, you then chalk a foot (that is, place the arch of your foot against their heel so they can’t step backwards), grab their hips and then pull them down and back while you sit down.
As they begin to fall, rotate yourself over so you’re on top of them. If you want to be mean, let them absorb both their own weight and yours as they hit the ground. To be a bit nicer, catch your fall or fall next to them rather than on top of them. Regardless of being mean or nice, make sure you position yourself in the end to be in the mount. If you end up on your back then the throw left both of you in an equal position. A good throw puts you in a superior position, standing or on the ground.
For conditioning, the students each pulled the heavy bag 40 feet, using a rope. While one student pulled, the rest did various animal walks: inchworm, angry gorilla and drunken spider.