Lion Dance class was primarily about practicing the fight over the greens but it doesn’t make for as exciting pictures as the double decker.
Fighting over the greens goes a little something like this:
The lion has gotten bored of playing with the monk. To regain the lion’s interest, the monk pulls out a secret cache of greens. Aha! The lion becomes excited… more so than anticipated. The monk teases high, low, and wherever else. Finally, things get taken too far when the monk does a lewd dance at the lion. There’s the bite and it’s on.
The greens lie on the ground. The lion tries to grab them. The monk shoes the lion away. The monk goes for the prize but the lion bites a little to close for comfort. This goes on until finally the lion claims victory, chasing the monk off stage and enjoying a mid-performance snack.
All for a head of lettuce.