This event will serve as a participatory Open House, where people both new to and experienced in the arts can try out some fun options in a safe and dynamic environment. One can participate in a 40 min. introductory-level Crossfit, Yoga, Kung Fu, and Capoeira class for only $20. The Academy is located at 3228 SE 21st (SE 21st & Powell).
There will be homemade healthy snacks (that also happen to taste good!) for sale, the benefits of which will go towards the 2009 PAWMA Mo Duk Pai Scholarship Fund.
ALSO, FREE CHAIR MASSAGE! Clayton Elzinga, LMT will be on hand to add to your Fitness Fair experience. An Ashmead College Graduate, Clay’s focus lies in Deep Tissue, Trigger-Point Therapy, Pin and Stretch, as well as MFR. Clay’s # is 503-484-7140.
For more details, check the system website at:http://www.modukpai
Contact us with any questions