An old favorite from Sifu Kyle.
The equipment:
- Three focus pads.
- One medicine ball.
- One marker (a cone, another pad, a stick, whatever)
- Take the three focus pads and set them against a wall any way you choose. One pad must touch the wall, the other two must be in contact with the wall or another pad. No pad can start flat on the floor.
- Set the marker a reasonable distance away so you can hit the pads with a good throw.
- Score as many points as possible in one minute.
- You score points by knocking over the pads so they are flat on the floor. Throw the medicine ball from the firing line. For each pad laying flat you get one point. If the pad is propped up on another pad, the wall or the medicine ball you don’t get a point for that pad.
- If you score three points then run up and set the pads up again.
- If you score less than three points, do ten squats THEN set the pads up again.
- Keep throwing. Points are cumulative. Substitute your favorite calisthenic for the ten squats. Change up the length of time. Go crazy and use five focus pads and a medicine ball in each hand.