This week the students at Lewis worked with partners to alternately strike at, or block and counter one another. They were specifically challenged to vary their striking targets with high, middle, and low. In taking turns too at defending, (which in this case involved blocking, plus one follow-up technique) individuals had to get creative and stretch their limits through a cycle of beginning fighting scenarios that should serve them well in weeks to come when they get to start rudimentary sparring drills.
Seven Corners Bike Shop has generously sponsored our youth programs by covering the cost of sparring equipment. The order is in, and with proper gear, we soon we should be able to introduce students of rank to the “game” of tournament sparring. Sparring is a popular aspect of martial arts training where opponents step into a ring to square off and see who scores first in striking [with accuracy and control] to specific targets. Have a look for yourself. What follows is a link to some video footage of students sparring at The Academy: