
Friday was day 2 of the inservice camps and we chose “flexibility” for our theme. This didn’t mean we sat around stretching all day long (although we did some of that) but instead the students were supposed to adapt to whatever we threw at them.

And throw stuff at them we did. I ran several kung fu classes and a yoga class. Scott ran a crossfit class. Lara gave the students an intro to Chinese calligraphy and read books (cleverly themed around flexibility, of course) to them. Danny set up the obstacle course finale for us. I’d like to think it was a day with something for everyone.

I always ask campers what their most/least favorite part of camp was. We got lots of good feedback. A couple of campers told me their least favorite part was hitting the bags. I forgot to warn them how hard those things can be (and how deceptively soft they look). Ironically, another camper told me I talk too much. That’s good to hear because lately, I’ve been trying to make sure I explain everything. Now I just have to get more concise with my words. As for the positive feedback, lots of students liked the caligraphy, the yoga, the kung fu, the snack, and some even liked “everything”.

The photo here is of all of us doing some crossfit with Scott.

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