Follow the Leader

I think it’s awesome to watch students lead each other through forms. Some of them take it so seriously when they get up in front of the class. Others go as fast as possible and see if they can throw everyone off track. Not that I encourage that kind of “leadership” but if all students did “the right thing” all the time, teaching wouldn’t be any fun.

As promised, here’s a picture of the SW Charter kids training in the church space. Their teacher takes class with us as well, which is awesome. I suspect kids resent it when they get told to exercise all the time by adults who sit around all day. Props to her for setting a good example (she’s taking the photo here so you can’t see her).

Today was pivoting, kicks and cartwheels. I was amazed to discover several of the girls and one of the boys could execute fairly solid one handed cartwheel. It’s nice when students come equipped with skill sets but again, if they all came that way then where would the fun be?

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