Lullaby of Pain

Today the box ran itself while Wally attended Day 1 of his Olymipic Lifting Certification in Salem at CrossFit Salem. I spent the day trying to help the baby achieve her nap (she so desperately wanted to but was too riled up). And by running itself, I mean Spence and Chris ran the show:

1 Round:

– 20 Lateral Jumps (over parallettes)
– 20 Knees to Elbows
– 20 KB Swings
– 20 Knees to Elbows
– 100 squats

Thanks Ladies!

Baby’s almost asleep now-3.5 hours later than this WOD was completed:) Not a PR.

Post comments for (liquor free) tips or tricks for getting sassy, gassy babies to bed down.

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