
Being efficient means keeping good technique and focus in the face of fatigue. It means setting up your body properly and executing the move properly so that it requires less effort than simply muscling your way through things.

Here are two examples from today’s workout:

You get tired and you forget to set up the clean properly. Instead of bending your knees and dropping your hips below your shoulders, you bend over at a ninety degree angle and hoist up the bar. It is less effort at set up but doing the movement with your butt up in the air extracts a heavy price – a tired back.

Or maybe you get lazy and stop pushing away from the pull up bar when you do a kip swing. It is less work in the moment but it kills the momentum of the swing and makes getting back up over the bar harder. (Plus it can make nasty things happen to your shoulders.)

Focus. Keep good set ups and good technique. Bad set ups and bad technique require more work. Do less work.

3 rounds for time
30 squat cleans (95/65)
30 pull ups
Run 800m

Check the whiteboard for numbers.

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