The other day I addressed the idea of posting videos of students at the school moving and how none of us have perfect form. Turns out nobody (now I’m including people both inside and outside of our school) has perfect form… but there are some people (again both inside and outside of our school) who do move really well and are worth watching for inspiration as well as for stealing their technique.
Take the above video as an example of really good form. Could it be better? Probably, although I wouldn’t have the faintest clue how to make it better I’m sure there are scores of gymnastics coaches out there who could offer corrections.
Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District
Part 1: Strength
X=90% of your 1rm shoulder press
5 reps @75% of x+5 pounds
3 reps @85% of x+5 pounds
1+reps @95% of x+5 pounds
Part 2: Metcon
For time:
1 minute wall sit
10 sit ups
10 squats
20 jack knives
20 jumping squats
30 toes to bar
30 pistols
1 minute handstand hold
30 snatches (95/65)
Check the whiteboard for numbers.