Feb 1st Inservice Day Camp

What a great group of kids we had with us today for the Feb 1st Inservice Camp! There were a number of “first-timers” in attendance (many of the families who take advantage of said camps are quick to enroll time and time again). We are always delighted to welcome fresh faces to the studio, and share camp traditions with them. It gives students who have trained at The Academy for some time the opportunity to better learn through teaching, model “the correct martial attitude, plus they get to strut their stuff a little too!

Our guest movement instructor today was James Grant, a CorePower Yoga certified yoga instructor as well as an advanced Capoeira student studying under Mestre Almiro at Capoeira Regionale in SE Portland. In the past James has shared with us his passion for Capoeira, but for today’s session he agreed to honor our request to lead the children through a rigorous one-hour active Yoga class. He emphasized that while Yoga does involve stretching, which serves to help individuals improve on their flexibility, it also functions to build muscle strength.

We look forward to our next camp on March 14th. The life-skill focus will rest on “Personal Best,” and the guest instructor, “The Dilley’s Beginner Bboys and Bgirls Breakdance Instruction” will lead us through some dance new moves. I for one, cannot wait!

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