
Something’s wrong, right?  There are no barbells in today’s photo… no squatting, pressing, jumping… not even any burpees.
It’s a photo from this morning’s Yoga class.  Why Yoga?  Flexibility, strength, body awareness, balance, breath work… so many reasons.  Make sure you gently suggest to Abby that she shouldn’t move to Spain so we can keep doing the class indefinitely.  🙂
The class will continue, Thursdays from 7:30-8:30 AM.  We’ll be calling it a “community” Yoga class, which means tips are greatly appreciated and everyone (invite your friends) is welcome.
As for today’s CrossFit WOD, I stole the concept from CrossFit Portland.  Sprint, rest sprint.  I get the impression it “got” folks pretty good.  I encourage you all to go forth, read other CrossFit sites and borrow their workout ideas by dropping them in the WOD suggestion box.
Rest for the Wicked
3 Rounds
50 Back Extensions
50 KB Swings (24/16kg)
Sprint to Dewitt and back
Rest as needed between rounds.  Write individual round times for your score.
Check the whiteboard for results.
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