Author Archives: Wally
Where Are We Going?
We’ve got a list of basics for each rank. Yes, they are important but more important is the goal toward which they aim – creating well rounded martial artists who have a solid grounding in self defense. That means with … Continue reading
I know I’ve stumbled across a good drill when it rattles my sense of competence a little bit. I don’t mean that I feel bad about myself or that I worry I am somehow not worthy to train Kung fu. … Continue reading
Cumulative Damage
httpv:// Sometimes the workout is hard not simply because of the rep scheme, the weights, the volume, the technique and all that but also because of yesterday’s workout. The soreness can take a toll. Three days of CrossFit in a … Continue reading
Start Here
Since I’m talking about the idea of base in the Kung fu entry, I might as well keep running with it. The air squat is, hands down, the most fundamental movement we do in CrossFit. If you’ve got a good … Continue reading
Theme of the Week: Base
Where are you moving from? How much support and structure do you need to throw a good punch from? Phone much force would it take to knock you down? This week we’ll look at the idea of base – where … Continue reading