Why name the workouts after landmark court decisions?
There are so many good reasons. Learning is fun. Understanding history is useful. Seeing the evolution of the legal system of the United States reminds us that we live in a country that is ever changing. Being a nerd is cool. It makes me design workouts different from how I might normally design workouts.
Need more reasons? Make some up.
Got an idea for next month’s theme? Bring it.
Furman v. Georgia
Part 1: Strength
X=90% of your 1rm deadlift
5 reps @75% of x+10 pounds
3 reps @85% of x+10 pounds
1+ reps @95% of x+10 pounds
Part 2: Metcon
For time:
4 rounds
25 double unders
15 wall balls (20/14)
5 squat cleans (155/105)
After 4 rounds, finish the workout with one burpee.
Check the whiteboard for numbers.