Admit It

Running outside, for exercise, is a socially acceptable thing. Lots of people do it and at this point in our culture, no one seems to blink an eye. Doubtless this has not been the case throughout history and doubtless there are places in the US where it is still looked at as strange behavior, doubtless there are subcultures who view it as odd and doubtless there are many places in the world who view it as odd.

But basically, if you run outside, not many people are going to give you trouble.

Swing a kettlebell outside and you’ll probably get made fun of, honked at or yelled at. Just ask anyone who did the workout today.

On some level one wishes that humanity could be more open minded and accepting. But let’s move on from that kind of wishful thinking. What it made me admit to myself is that swinging a kettlebell is part of what I do. I enjoy it. It seems to work for me in terms of fitness and hey, here I am running around with a kettlebell swinging it on the corner of Capitol highway.

Kelo v. City of New London
Part 1: Barbell Gymnastics
3 position clean
Part 2: Skill practice
Alternate 8
A: Ring dips
B: Pistols
Part 3: Metcon
Carrying a Kb (24/16kg), run 500m.
At each corner, stop and do 15 Kb swings
3 rounds
12 toes to bar
12 sumo DLHP (75/53)
Run 500m.
At each corner, stop and do 15 squats.
At the dumpster, stop and do 15 squats.

Check the whiteboard for numbers.

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