
If you’ve only got two minutes, watch the video from yesterday’s workout.

If you’ve got two hours, watch this video interview of Ido Portal. (Although you can skip the first ten minutes of the interviewer wandering around London talking about nothing.)

If you don’t have two hours, I’ll sum it up for you in a word: move.

Hostile Media Bias
Part 1: Skill practice
For 8 minutes, alternate between A and B every minute
A: 30 seconds of handstand practice, 30 seconds of rest.
B: 30 seconds of chest to bar pull ups, 30 seconds of rest.
Part 2: Metcon
Tabata push ups
4 minute AMRAP
8 thrusters (95/65)
22 double unders
Tabata sit ups

Check the whiteboard for movement.

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